Advising FAQ's

1. What is your “catalog year” and its significance? The catalog year is the year of the degree plan you are following.  Your catalog year determines the classes you need for your major. It is important because if requirements change for your degree in most cases you will not have to take additional courses to graduate. Your “catalog year” determines the requirements for your degree including the credit hours by area, specific course requirements, and elective requirements.

2. Is your catalog year ever changed and can you change it? Your catalog year will not change unless you change it. The first term you take courses at Metro determines your catalog year. It will change if you do not enroll for three consecutive terms including summer, the term that you return will then determine your catalog year. You can request a change of catalog year to any year you were concurrently enrolled from your last established catalog year.

3.Does your catalog year determine course prerequisites? No.  Courses change over time to incorporate new knowledge, techniques, and perspectives. Also, the faculty adds courses, revises existing courses, and drops other courses. During the course change process, course prerequisites may change. Your catalog year does not determine the course prerequisites when you take the course; the Catalog that is in effect during the term you take the course determines each courses prerequisites.

4. What can I do if course prerequisites change or a course is no longer available? If course prerequisites change you must abide by those new requirements.  If a course is no longer available you will need to meet with the department to see if they have designated a course to take its place.  Most of the time you will receive notice that your program is changing and you will have a certain amount of semesters to complete the course before it is no longer available

5. Where can I find out about the requirements for my major? Consult with the online catalog, College of Business website, or your College of Business advisor.

6. What business majors does MSU Denver offer and do they require a minor? The MSU Denver College of Business offers Bachelors of Science degrees in Accounting, Banking, Business Administration, Business Intelligence, Finance, Human Resources Management, Computer Information Systems, International Business, Management, Marketing and Real Estate (AY 2023-2024).  Business students seeking a B.S. in any of the business degrees listed above are NOT required to take a minor.  The College of Business also offers four Bachelors of Arts degrees, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Global Business Studies, and Professional Selling.  Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Global Business Studies require a minor.

7. What are general studies requirements? General Studies requirements for Business majors include Written Communication (ENG 1010 and ENG 1020); Oral Communication (COMM 1010 or COMM 1100); Quantitative Literacy (usually MTH 1310 or MTH 1311 with MTH 1312); Arts and Humanities; Historical; Natural and Physical Sciences; Social and Behavioral Sciences; and Global Diversity courses.  Special Note: The Written communication, Oral Communication and Quantitative Literacy courses MUST BE COMPLETED before most business core courses can be taken.

8. What courses make up the business core? The business core includes 12 courses that all business majors must complete.  These courses include; BUS 1850, BUS 1950, ACC 2010, ACC 2020, CIS 2010, CIS 3300, CIS 3320, FIN 3300, MGT 2210, MGT 3000, MKT 3000 & MGT 4950.

9. Do I have to have a “C” or better in all BUSINESS core courses? For Catalog Year groups before AY 2023-2024, you must receive a “C-” or better in your business core courses for them to count towards your degree.  Student’s receiving a “D” or less will be required to retake Business Core courses and achieve a “C-” or better before graduation.  For Catalog Year groups AY 2023-2024 and afterwards, you will be required to receive a D- or higher in your Business Core classes.  Majors’ courses may require a C or higher (see the University Catalog or your advisor).  Regardless of your catalog year, you must receive at least a 2.0 cumulative and major GPA to graduate.

10. Can I take a minor or certificate? You do not have to take a minor unless you are an Economics, Entrepreneurship, or Global Business Studies major.  All business majors can add optional minors, certificates, and/or concentrations (Finance majors are required to have either a Financial Services or General Finance concentration). Before you consider declaring a minor or adding a concentration or certificate, we strongly recommend that you consider the number of credit hours you must take to satisfy the major requirements and consult your advisor. Courses for a certificate may be used for a major, minor and the certificate program. You may be able to double dip General Studies, Business Core, and minors courses.  Please consult with your academic advisor.

11. Can I have a double major? Yes, however before you consider declaring a double major, we strongly recommend that you consider the number of credit hours you must take to satisfy the requirements and consult your College of Business advisor.

12. Does Metro offer an International Business degree? Yes, the College of Business offers a B. S. in International Business and a B.A. in Global Business Studies.  The college also offers an International Business Minor and an International Business Concentration (the concentration is for business majors only) option.  Please contact an advisor for more information.

13. Do I have to complete a certain number of hours at Metro? Yes, students must meet both College of Business residency requirements (at least 30 credits of business courses taken at MSU Denver) and university residency requirements.  These requirements are listed in the University Catalog.

14. Do I have to complete a certain number of upper division hours? To earn a Bachelor’s degree, a student must successfully complete at least 40 hours of upper-division courses. A course that is 3000 or 4000 level counts as an upper division.

15. Are there any courses that I cannot take as a business major? Per university policy, no more than 4 semester hours in varsity sports (ATH) and no more than 7 semester hours in music ensemble courses will be counted toward a business degree.  Additional limitations are listed in the Credit Limitations section of the Catalog (under Degree and Certificate Requirements).  FIN students should not take both FIN 2220 or BUS 2250.  These courses have upper division equivalents and may result in course get not being awarded.

16. What is the global diversity requirement? The Global Diversity requirement is part of the General Studies program. A course that fulfills the Global Diversity requirement can also fulfill another General Studies requirement. Students cannot take a Global Diversity course in the department of the major or minor.

17. What is the multicultural requirement? In addition to completing the General Studies requirements, a student must complete a three-hour Multicultural course to be awarded a bachelor’s degree from MSU Denver. The Multicultural course does not require three hours as a separate category and can be taken in the major, minor or as an elective.  The College of Business offers two Multicultural elective options: MKT 3750, Multicultural Marketing, and MGT 4830, Workforce Diversity.

18. Do I have to complete a capstone course? Yes.  Strategic Management (MGT 4950) is the Senior Capstone course for most business majors. This course must be taken after you have completed all general study courses and all other courses in the business core.  It is recommended that MGT 4950 be taken in your last semester prior to graduation.

19. Do I have to have a minimum GPA to graduate? Yes.  A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required to receive a degree from MSU Denver.

20. How do I get transfer credit evaluated? Official transcripts will be reviewed by the Transfer Office upon receipt.  A Transfer Tool Kit is available here:   College of Business Academic Advisors can conduct unofficial transfer course reviews—the Transfer Office and the individual Academic Departments have the final say on course evaluations.

21. How will transfer courses show on records? Students who transfer in a previous Bachelor’s degree will receive a block of 90 credit hours and be granted senior standing at the university. However, if your program requires that certain previous coursework be pulled out of your first degree and applied to your program at MSU Denver so it appears on your Degree Progress Report, have your departmental advisor complete the Previous Degree Form and return it to the Transfer Services office.

22. What is the difference between an “official” and an “unofficial” transcript? Official transcripts are sealed documents produced by the Office of the Registrar.  Once the documents have been opened, they are considered unofficial.  Unofficial transcripts can be printed from the internet or are photocopies of your official transcripts.

23. What is a degree progress report and how do I get a copy? A degree progress report is a Compliance Report that is an advising tool to be used by students and their advisors throughout the students’ academic career at MSU Denver.  College of Business students with declared majors and/or minors should discuss progress toward completion of their major (minor) program with a College of Business advisor or with faculty in their major department. They should have a degree progress report review no later than the start of the senior year. Degree progress reports can be run by logging on to the Student Hub or speaking with an advisor either in the department or in the college advising center.